Upcoming Programs at the Museum
Saturday January 31st,
Magic Show at the Museum
1:45 pm
Free family event!
Saturday Feb. 7th,
Vintage Valentines
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Make your valentines really stand
out this year! We have all the supplies for children to make their own cards
for their classroom celebrations. While using vintage valentines as
inspiration, children will learn about the history of the holiday and see how
it was celebrated in the past. Grades k-5.
Sunday, Feb. 8th, Trivia Night at the Museum
4:00 pm
There is still room for teams to
participate in this fun, entertaining fundraiser for the Arlington Heights Historical
Society and the Arlington Heights Crime-stoppers Organization. Cash bar
provided by Tuscan Market. Call 847-255-1225 for more details.
Sunday Feb. 15th,
Frozen Fun!
1:00-4:00 pm
Learn what Arlington Heights has
in common with the movie Frozen through different activities and crafts. This
family event is part of our Discovery Days series.
Monday Feb. 16th,
School Day Off Adventures
1:00-3:00 pm
Learn about the lives of some
recent presidents and make your own powdered wig like George Washington wore.
Sunday Feb. 22nd Girl Scout
World Thinking Day
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Each year on World Thinking Day,
girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their
sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. The theme for World
Thinking Day 2015 is girls worldwide say "Creating Peace through
Partnerships" It is especially
focused on empowering girls so that they can empower the world to live more peacefully.
This theme is based on United Nation's Millennium Development Goal 8, Develop a
Global Partnership for Development. Thinking Day not only gives girls a chance
to celebrate international friendships, but is also a reminder that Girl Scouts
of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries with Girl
Guides and Girl Scouts. Join other girl scouts in our community as we learn
about how our voices can bring about peace, as well as participate in
activities to discover how we can help improve the lives of those in the
world's poorest countries.
Thursday Feb. 26th, Cooking
with Chef Dave
4:00-5:30 pm
Celebrate various national months
of food observances and holidays with these hands on classes led by Dave Esau,
chef and owner of Dave's Specialty Foods, Inc. of Mount Prospect. Join Chef
Dave for lively cooking activities. Each class features a different culinary
experience. Grades 1-5. This month we’ll be celebrating National Pie Day. Yum!
Crafting Circle meets weekly to work on different projects. Call 847-255-1225 for more information.