Thursday, January 29, 2015

Upcoming Programs at the Museum

Upcoming Programs at the Museum

Saturday January 31st, Magic Show at the Museum
1:45 pm
Free family event!

Saturday Feb. 7th, Vintage Valentines
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Make your valentines really stand out this year! We have all the supplies for children to make their own cards for their classroom celebrations. While using vintage valentines as inspiration, children will learn about the history of the holiday and see how it was celebrated in the past. Grades k-5.

Sunday, Feb. 8th,  Trivia Night at the Museum
4:00 pm
There is still room for teams to participate in this fun, entertaining fundraiser for the Arlington Heights Historical Society and the Arlington Heights Crime-stoppers Organization. Cash bar provided by Tuscan Market. Call 847-255-1225 for more details.

Sunday Feb. 15th, Frozen Fun!
1:00-4:00 pm
Learn what Arlington Heights has in common with the movie Frozen through different activities and crafts. This family event is part of our Discovery Days series.

Monday Feb. 16th, School Day Off Adventures
1:00-3:00 pm
Learn about the lives of some recent presidents and make your own powdered wig like George Washington wore.

Sunday Feb. 22nd Girl Scout World Thinking Day
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Each year on World Thinking Day, girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. The theme for World Thinking Day 2015 is girls worldwide say "Creating Peace through Partnerships"  It is especially focused on empowering girls so that they can empower the world to live more peacefully. This theme is based on United Nation's Millennium Development Goal 8, Develop a Global Partnership for Development. Thinking Day not only gives girls a chance to celebrate international friendships, but is also a reminder that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Join other girl scouts in our community as we learn about how our voices can bring about peace, as well as participate in activities to discover how we can help improve the lives of those in the world's poorest countries.

Thursday Feb. 26th, Cooking with Chef Dave
4:00-5:30 pm
Celebrate various national months of food observances and holidays with these hands on classes led by Dave Esau, chef and owner of Dave's Specialty Foods, Inc. of Mount Prospect. Join Chef Dave for lively cooking activities. Each class features a different culinary experience. Grades 1-5. This month we’ll be celebrating National Pie Day. Yum!

Crafting Circle meets weekly to work on different projects. Call 847-255-1225 for more information.

Friday, January 9, 2015

We've seen it all Old Man Winter, you can't scare us! A look back on some of the worst Winter storms in Chicagoland

As it does every year, Old Man Winter has come and tightened his grip on the Chicagoland, and Arlington Heights, area. To celebrate, we thought this blog post should take a trip down memory lane and look at winter storms of the past. We say celebrate because after looking at the photographs below, we are celebrating that things could, and have been, worse for the residents of Arlington Heights. To find some good photos, we dug through the Museum’s collections for photographs of such storms and they are below.

This newspaper clipping is from 1936. There was no other information about the photograph, but just looking at this picture makes me shiver thinking about traveling snow covered roads without snowplows.

In 1965, these youngsters were able to make the best of ice covered sidewalks and a loss of electricity in the homes of many residents.

The blizzard of 1967 is one that many people still remember vividly, and for good reason. Chicago’s alltime record snowfall of 23.0 inches was established. The snow began on a Thursday morning and didn't let up until the next day. The city of Chicago, including OHare Airport, was shut down for several days. An estimated 20,000 cars and 500 buses were stranded on roads everywhere, hampering snow removal efforts.

The winters of 1976-1979 were three of the worst on record for Chicagoland, with 1979 culminating in 89.7 inches of snow that fell is the alltime season record. One of Chicago's worst blizzards occurred in January 1979. The storm total was 18.8 inches of snow. Roofs collapsed from the weight of the snow, people                                                 fought over parking spaces, 
                                                snow was as high as street signs.

There have been plenty of storms since this one that probably also deserve mentioning, but we’ll save those stories for the next wave of snow.

Until then, check out the museum’s website & calendar for opportunities to stay warm with us, while you learn a little about Arlington Heights.